Jun 26, 2010

Where the wild things are

I snapped these cute little critters when I was at the Cleland Wildlife Park last week. There were a couple of different aviaries set up with beautiful native Australian birds fluttering around. It was a real treat to be able to see native animals that would be virtually impossible to come across in the wild.

And how cute is this little guy? He let me get really close to him. That's one of the great things about the conservation park - the animals are quite adapt to seeing and interacting with humans so they're pretty friendly!

And these cute little fellows are bettongs who are sometimes called rat kangaroos. They're absolutely adorable though and they were everywhere at the conservation park! Once they got used to me, they were quite happy to come over and suss me out and were just hopping around next to me the whole time.

Even the little baby bettong was curious about why I was there but he was much more bashful than the rest.

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